Every fourth man has sexual problems
According to world statistics, erectile dysfunction affects 25% of men. Dr P K Gupta, best sexologist in India talks about this problem.
What is impotence?
The term impotence is no longer used today. This problem is called erectile dysfunction. The World Health Organization agreed on this term back in 1992.
Erectile Dysfunction This is a decrease in a man’s ability to achieve the desired erection in an adequate situation that will enable him to perform sexual intercourse.
What causes erectile dysfunction?
Let’s start with the fact that sexology is a multidisciplinary specialty. Several bordering fields are united in it – psychology, urology, endocrinology, neurology. The nervous system plays a big role in the mechanism of erection, however, one of the first places is the problems of the vascular system.
Basically, an erection is provided by blood circulation in the genitals. The genitals are a certain balloon that must be filled with blood and therefore reach a certain strength.
Blood vessels are damaged during many other pathologies. Including diabetes, which disrupts hemodynamics. However, somatic, physical problems are less common at a young age. Erectile dysfunction is caused by more psychological problems at a young age. Uncertainty, fear, inexperience, as well as excessive consumption of cigarettes and alcohol, drugs. All of this damages the systems that provide men with sexual potency.
What are the statistics regarding erectile dysfunction in India?
If we take the world statistics, erectile dysfunction affects 25% of the population. India also fits into this statistical norm, we do not have special statistics. That is, every fourth man has a certain type of sexual problem, which is caused by weakness of erection, rapid decline of sperm, decreased libido or psychological problems. All these problems in themselves are further divided into categories.
How is erectile dysfunction treated?
First the patient is interviewed at sexologist clinic in Delhi to distinguish between psychogenic and somatic causes. Psychogenic erectile dysfunction is mainly expressed in the period of adolescent hypersexuality, when an inexperienced man is not confident in himself during sexual intercourse. Organic problems mainly appear after 35-40 years.
However, we begin by examining all of this in order to differentiate. Blood circulation should be examined, blood circulation in the genitals should be measured. Explore the areas that provide male potency. Nervous, hormonal, urological problems should be ruled out.
If we see a problem in the psychological aspect from the very beginning, then we no longer admit the patient to the examinations. We teach some techniques how it can be easily overcome.
Erectile dysfunction at the time of the medications prescribed to patients?
You cannot tell the specific names, they will be listed in the advertisement. In general, it is a circulatory enhancer, neurostimulants, biostimulators, stimulants. If you have diabetes, an endocrinologist is also involved when prescribing the medication.
As for surgical treatments, these are operations on the blood vessels of the penis, phalloprosthesis – with the installation of certain special devices, a man will have an erection permanently. However, this method is used in extreme cases. Consequently, it can be said that an erectile dysfunction condition only exists if we are dealing with a particularly severe pathology.
What is the rate of referral to a sexologist in Delhi in this regard?
Applications are normal. Patients aged 16 and over also come. Everyone has one wish – to have an erection. However, it is clear that after the age of 65, when aging begins, more sagging problems arise, which in turn affects the ability to get an erection. For example, if at the age of 40 this problem is present in 25-30% of men, after years it is already more than 50%.
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