
Hip arthroscopy in athletes: eliminate exercise pain


Every athlete who suffers from hip pain usually faces a very similar journey: when the first symptoms appear, they start conservative treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. When the pain improves a little, they try to return to activity. After a little while, they are in pain again.

But when drug treatment no longer has any effect and the pain starts to impair sports practice or even the performance of simple routine activities, what can amateur and high-performance athletes do?

The first step is to seek an orthopedic in Delhi specializing in the hip, who will be able to perform a thorough evaluation. Only after that, treatment will start based on the cause of the injury, that is, try to treat the problem at its root instead of just treating the pain.

The imbalance of strong structures around the hip joint, such as tendons, ligaments and bursae are the main cause of hip pain in those who practice sport. This happens because the hip makes an important connection between the legs and the trunk. Any slight alteration can generate instability and injury.

While many athletes have no indication for surgery, for others, performing a surgical procedure, such as hip arthroscopy in Delhi, is the best option to restore quality of life, sports performance and prevent an injury from becoming chronic, or even progress to cartilage wear.

Hip arthroscopy for athletes

Problems such as hip injuries are closely linked to the practice of sports such as running, cycling, volleyball, tennis, football, dance, artistic gymnastics and other sports.

In the recent past, a large number of young people with hip pain during physical activity did not have a correct diagnosis and some cases progressed to wear and tear. The orthopaedic doctor in Delhi acted as a spectator of the worsening of the joint injury, without being able to interfere with the inevitable.

Today, it is known that many of these young athletes had a disease caused by a change in the fit of the frame, called femoroacetabular impingement.

Athletes with this type of hip injury are the main beneficiaries of hip arthroscopy surgery in Delhi.

Considering the limitations in sports performance imposed by the hip injury, the procedure is a great treatment option for femoroacetabular impingement with labrum injury, as it is capable of correcting the anatomy of the joint socket.

Today, there are several studies that demonstrate that the rate of return to sport after arthroscopy is above 90%. The rehabilitation phase after hip arthroscopy in athletes lasts about 6 months, and may vary for each case.

How hip arthroscopy works in athletes

Hip arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgery, in which 1 to 2 cm incisions are made in the hip to place cameras and specific instruments used to repair cartilage and adjust the hip bones.

The performance of arthroscopy in athletes is indicated mainly for those who have excess bone in the hip joint, have pain and limitation of movement. These patients are usually adults between 20 and 40 years of age who practice physical activity.

Hip arthroscopy in athletes, when recommended, is a great solution to eliminate pain and return to physical exercise.

A common mistake made by many athletes is accepting hip pain as part of their routine and continuing to practice sports even without a proper diagnosis.

Many patients live with hip problems for years and seek treatment only when the pathology is preventing them from performing movements.

Having medical follow-up from a hip specialist orthopedic in Dwarka will ensure that the athlete has adequate treatment from the start, preventing the injury from progressing and requiring more invasive treatments.

Faced with the persistence of symptoms, look for a specialist orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi!


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