Tag Archives: curiosity

What is Blackbody Radiation: Explained in Simple Terms

What is Blackbody Radiation: Explained in Simple Terms

A black body is a theoretical or imaginary object that perfectly absorbs all incoming electromagnetic radiation, and also emits radiation, like heat and visible light, based on its temperature. A black body is considered theoretical because no object can be a perfect absorber of electromagnetic radiation. Think of it this way: when you heat an iron rod, it becomes extremely hot, and its color changes to dull red, followed by bright red, orange and then yellow. This is a good example of how black body radiation works.

In this video, you will learn about blackbody radiation, the blackbody radiation curve and how it helps to understand electromagnetic radiation and celestial bodies.

#BlackBodyRadiation #ElectromagneticRadiation #TemperatureMatters #EnergyEmission #WavelengthsExplained #VisibleLightInsights #HeatPhysics #CelestialRadiation #InfraredSpectrum #ColorTransformation #SolarRadiation #StellarProperties #UniverseInvestigation


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Voice Over Artist: John Staughton ( )

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Coriolis Effect: How Hurricanes Form & Why they Spin in different ways in North and South Hemisphere

Coriolis Effect: How Hurricanes Form & Why they Spin in different ways in North and South Hemisphere

Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are formed due to violent storms that originate over oceans and seas and move towards land, potentially causing extensive damage to both life and property. But there is a very interesting thing related to hurricanes – they spin counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere but clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Why does that happen?

You may already know that hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are different names for the same natural phenomenon—a tropical cyclone. In essence, they’re all very violent storms that originate over oceans and seas and move towards land. They are caused by pre-existing weather disturbances, moist and warm air, warm tropical oceans and relatively light winds.

In the southern hemisphere, winds traveling towards the equator are diverted towards the east. Similarly, in the northern hemisphere, winds traveling towards the equator are diverted towards east, because earth rotates from west to east. This causes hurricanes to spin in different directions in both hemispheres.

In this video, we explain hurricanes, why and how they form and why they spin in different directions in different hemispheres.


#science #funfacts #storms

Music Credits:
Envato Elements/Documentary Voiceover Background Loop by bdProductions

Video Credits:
Envato Elements

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Original Article Link:

If you wish to buy/license this video, please write to us at admin@scienceabc.com.

Voice Over Artist: John Staughton ( )

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NASA’s Curiosity Rover Turns 10: Here’s What It’s Learned (Mars News Report Aug. 5, 2022)

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Turns 10: Here’s What It’s Learned (Mars News Report Aug. 5, 2022)

NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover set out to answer a big question when it landed on the Red Planet 10 years ago: Could Mars have supported ancient life? Scientists have discovered the answer is yes and have been working to learn more about the planet’s past habitable environment.

In this Mars Report, Curiosity Deputy Project Scientist Abigail Fraeman provides an update on the rover’s capabilities a decade after landing in Gale Crater. Now, Curiosity is heading to an area that may help answer how long ancient life could have persisted on the Red Planet as Mars went through significant changes in the climate.

Read more about where Curiosity is currently exploring. Download a poster celebrating Curiosity’s 10 years on Mars here.

Some of the images in the video include color enhancement that exaggerate small changes in color from place to place in the Martian scene. This makes it easier for the science team to use their everyday experience to interpret the landscape. For instance, the sky on Mars would not actually look blue to a human explorer on the Red Planet, but pinkish.

For more information on NASA’s Mars missions, visit mars.nasa.gov.



Why Do We Fear Of The Dark? #shorts

Why Do We Fear Of The Dark? #shorts

Business Enquiries ► Lorenzovareseaziendale@gmail.com
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What if I told you that the fear of the dark is not just a childish thing to believe?
Our fear of the dark is an evolutionary trait that we picked up to survive real-life predators stalking the night. 
It is commonly believed that this innate fear stems from a point in human history when we were nowhere near the top predators we are today.
Before the advent of technology, which wasn’t long ago, our ancestors were constantly on the lookout for predators that wanted to…eat us! 
And of course, most of these predators hunted at night, because they knew we were vulnerable to attack because of our relatively poor eyesight. 
It was super important for our ancestors to stay safe in the middle of the night. It would mean live or die.
Over the years, this nightly fear became instinctual, and we still experience it today as a form of mild anxiety.
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“If You happen to see any content that is yours, and we didn’t give credit in the right manner please let us know at Lorenzovareseaziendale@gmail.com and we will correct it immediately”

“Some of our visual content is under an Attribution-ShareAlike license. ( in its different versions such as 1.0, 2.0, 3,0, and 4.0 – permitting commercial sharing with attribution given in each picture accordingly in the video.”

Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / MarkGarlick.com
Credits: Nasa/Shutterstock/Storyblocks/Elon Musk/SpaceX/ESA/ESO/ Flickr

#InsaneCuriosity #fearofthedark #shorts


क्या हो अगर गॉडज़िला वास्तव में हो | What If Godzilla Was Real?

क्या हो अगर गॉडज़िला वास्तव में हो | What If Godzilla Was Real?

ये बड़ा है, डरावना है, और इसे तबाही लाने में मज़ा आता है। मिलिए शैतानों के राजा-गॉडज़िला से। क्या आपको लगता है आपका साल अच्छा नहीं जा रहा? कैसा रहेगा अगर हम अपने मुंह से रेडिएशन निकालने वाले सोए हुए बड़े दानव को जगा दें? क्या होगा अगर गॉडज़िला जाग उठे? क्या गॉडज़िला जैसा कोई जीव वाकई हो सकता है? और, हम इसका सामना कैसे करेंगे?

क्या हो अगर एक मिनी-डॉक्यूमेंट्री वेब श्रृंखला है जो आपको काल्पनिक दुनिया और संभावनाओं के माध्यम से एक महाकाव्य यात्रा पर ले जाती है। हमें एक काल्पनिक साहसिक कार्य में शामिल करें – वैज्ञानिक सिद्धांत में आधारित – समय, स्थान और संयोग के माध्यम से, जैसा कि हम पूछते हैं कि क्या हमारे अस्तित्व के कुछ सबसे मौलिक पहलू अलग थे।

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क्या हो अगर तीसरा विश्व युद्ध हो What if World War III happened tomorrow?

क्या हो अगर तीसरा विश्व युद्ध हो What if World War III happened tomorrow?

इंसानों का इतिहास जंगों और लड़ाइयों से भरा हुआ है, कुछ बड़ी, कुछ छोटी। लेकिन अगर कभी तीसरा विश्व युद्ध होता है, तो ये इंसानी इतिहास की सबसे बड़ी जंग होगी।

नई तकनीक, ज़्यादा सैनिक, और उम्दा रणनीति, ये सब होगा इस जंग में। लेकिन, ऐसा कुछ क्यों होगा? कौन-कौन से देश इसमें हिस्सा ले सकते हैं? और ये जंग कैसे लड़ी जाएगी?

क्या हो अगर एक मिनी-डॉक्यूमेंट्री वेब श्रृंखला है जो आपको काल्पनिक दुनिया और संभावनाओं के माध्यम से एक महाकाव्य यात्रा पर ले जाती है। हमें एक काल्पनिक साहसिक कार्य में शामिल करें – वैज्ञानिक सिद्धांत में आधारित – समय, स्थान और संयोग के माध्यम से, जैसा कि हम पूछते हैं कि क्या हमारे अस्तित्व के कुछ सबसे मौलिक पहलू अलग थे।

हमारे English Channel को फ़ॉलो करें-

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प्रतिक्रिया और पूछताछ:


क्या हो अगर हम पानी के अंदर सांस ले सकें | What if we could breathe underwater?

क्या हो अगर हम पानी के अंदर सांस ले सकें | What if we could breathe underwater?

क्या हो अगर इंसानों के पास गिल्स हों और वो मछलियों की तरह सांस ले सकें? ज़रा सोचिए, आप डॉल्फिन और समुद्री कछुओं के साथ पानी में जब तक चाहें तब तक तैर पाएं। क्या पानी के अंदर सांस ले पाने का मतलब ये होगा कि हम धरती के सारे पानी तक पहुंच बना सकते हैं? क्या हम मैदानों का ये जीवन छोड़ कर पानी के अंदर घर बना लेंगे? शायद हम हमारे सागरों में मौजूद प्रदूषण को देखें और उसे साफ कर पाएं?

क्या हो अगर एक मिनी-डॉक्यूमेंट्री वेब श्रृंखला है जो आपको काल्पनिक दुनिया और संभावनाओं के माध्यम से एक महाकाव्य यात्रा पर ले जाती है। हमें एक काल्पनिक साहसिक कार्य में शामिल करें – वैज्ञानिक सिद्धांत में आधारित – समय, स्थान और संयोग के माध्यम से, जैसा कि हम पूछते हैं कि क्या हमारे अस्तित्व के कुछ सबसे मौलिक पहलू अलग थे।

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15 New Stunning Images Of Mars From Curiosity Rover (2020)

15 New Stunning Images Of Mars From Curiosity Rover (2020)

15 New Stunning Images Of Mars From Curiosity Rover (2020)

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From the various peaks of mountains, to the valleys that help reveal so much about red planet, join me as we explore brand new images from Mars via the Curiosity Rover.
I want you to imagine that you are on Mars right now. That is after all the goal of many in the world right now. Between NASA, Space X, and various other international agencies, there are a lot of people who are working hard to get us to the red planet known as Mars, and in the process, create history. Because when we do land on Mars, it’ll be the first time a human has stepped foot on another planet.

15. The Curiosity Rover
You might not realize just how much we owe to the Curiosity Rover, so allow me to explain it to you and show you just how much work this singular machine had done. The Curiosity Rover was launched from Earth on November 26th, 2011.

14. Mount Sharp 1:17
In terms of the location of where the Curiosity Rover was posted, that would be the Gale Crater. This was an impact site that at one time was believed to have been a key place for various things like water and sediment. We know that there is water on Mars, and Curiosity has even found various forms of clay via its explorations.
13. 3D Map Of Mars
While not solely a thing from the Curiosity Rover, anytime you can make a top-down 3D map of an area, it can be very helpful in various tasks that you are trying to achieve. And sure enough, with the help of the Curiosity Rover and the satellites above and beyond Mars over the years, NASA was able to make a 3D map of the area the rover is in, and thus, create a way for them to look over the terrain that would help them go and find a path through the crater and up to the peaks of Mount Sharp.

12. Yellowknife Bay
Yellowknife By was one of the areas that the Curiosity Rover had to go through to get to Mount Sharp, and as you can see from these pictures, various styles and compositions of rock are here in this area. By looking at these pictures, a lot of information was able to be determined. Including the fact that at one time, this area was indeed filled with water. Hence the name “Yellowknife Bay”.

11. Parhump Hills
Continuing on its journey to Mount Sharp, the Curiosity Rover found itself looking at the base of the mountain via the Parhump Hills. And with this came a look at places like the Kimberly Foundation. The more pictures that were taken, the more proof was stacked about how the crater was at one time a major place of water.

10. Garden City
Heading now to a rather odd spot on the rovers journey to Mount Sharp was the place known as Garden City. When you take a look at these photos, it’s almost as if the place is full of bones and litter. But in fact, it’s a place that is full of various mineral deposits that winds and weaves throughout the area.

9. Martian Sunset
If you’re hoping to see more aesthetic things that rocks and dirt via the rovers time on Mars, then you’re in luck. Because during its time on the red planet, it had time to get some absolutely beautiful shots of the Martian sunrise and sunset. Do you notice anything interesting in this picture? Exactly. The Martian setting sun has a more bluish tint than anything we have here on Earth.

3. Vera Rubin Ridge
The highest point in its journey thus far, Vera Rubin Ridge is another case of massive erosion and embedding of sediments. Though it’s impossible to tell at present just how each structure was formed, we do know that some were because of wind erosion, but others don’t seem to be that way based on looks alone. Showing that even Mars can have some weird and unknown structures.
2. The View Of Mars
At the top of the ridge, Curiosity took the opportunity to make a beautiful panoramic shot. Showing Mars from the height it was at, and showcasing the depth of field and the distance it had traveled so far. The fun is quite spectacular, and it makes you wonder what it will be like when Curiosity reaches the top of Mount Sharp. It hasn’t reached there yet, but it will soon more than likely.
1. A Hi-Res Panorama
We’ve shown you a lot of pictures over the course of this video, but now, let’s show you a literal brand new one that has come from the Curiosity Rover just days before this video was made. This was a panorama image that was made by the Curiosity Rover taken over the course of a “break” from late November to early December. This Panoramic image is comprised of 1000 photos and is 1.8 BILLION pixels.
The picture itself is of the Glen Torridon, a region on the flanks of Mars’ 3.4-mile-high (5.5 kilometers) Mount Sharp that the rover has been exploring recently.

#InsaneCuriosity #RecentSpaceDiscoveries #MarsEverythingAboutTheRedplanet
